WIRE 2022

Wire 2022

Dear All,

We would like to thank you for visiting our stand at Wire 2022 held in Dusseldorf  from 20 to 24 June 2022 and also for your interest in our products The Fair represented for NEWTECH a moment of great success, shared with our partners and potential new customers, where we had the opportunity to present the new line of enameling machines,”OPERA”, with in-line rolling mills from 2.0 to 20 mm.

We strongly believe in innovation so we will continue to pursue this mission, trying to constantly develop new methods for greater customer satisfaction.

Thank you once again for attention and availability.

 Wire 2022 5c3991be-bf4e-4d6e-b2ce-961bcc8e371f 8aa4ba48-664e-4388-8eec-73c2cfdd9244 8cb378a6-4587-48a0-aec9-e2f129c57f46 8ecfe39b-7ab3-454d-84a7-c187b67e9c82 92d75de0-af56-4b3c-87fb-71b05789a6ad 176e6e89-c50c-4685-b580-f5f9662fe652 374a6fc1-2f65-4d87-8450-cd509ef512d5 7429084c-79c6-4e19-9c71-1d6f1d1fa8b7 IMG_0136 IMG_0138