Dear All, We would like to thank you for visiting our stand at Wire 2024 held in Dusseldorf  from 15 to 19 Aprile 2024 and also for your interest in our products . The Fair represented for NEWTECH a moment of great success, shared with our partners and potential new customers.

Dear All, We would like to thank you for visiting our stand at Wire 2022 held in Dusseldorf  from 20 to 24 June 2022 and also for your interest in our products The Fair represented for NEWTECH a moment of great success, shared with our partners and potential new customers, where we had the opportunity […]

The next webinar of the Hi-Ecowire project on April 7th 2022 will give pride a place to the mechanical and dielectrical tests performed to qualify the magnet wires. These tests will be presented by Sonia AIT AMAR -DJENNAD from LSEE (Laboratoire Systèmes Electrotechniques et Environnement ), Université d’Artois. Free but mandat

    Faithful to its philosophy of constant development and research, New tech participates in the project “Hi-Ecowire”, a North-West Europe project, with 2 main technical objectives: – improve the energy performance and efficiency of electrical motors – reduce the consumption of solvents and VOC emiss